This update release of API Testing Via Playwright Using Python at Vivify Healthcare is part of the company’s research and development efforts to find the best technology stack that is both sustainable and affordable.
Playwright is a cross-browser automation tool that allows developers to automate user interactions with web applications. Playwright is not a term that is typically associated with the Python programming language. However, there is a Python package called “playwright-python” which provides a Python API for the Playwright testing and automation library. With Playwright Python, developers can write scripts to interact with webpages using a variety of browsers such as Chromium, Firefox, and Webkit.
Problem Statement
Executing the Testcases for Specific Project form the reshaped Testing Code Block with Grouping of Endpoints with Product/Project and Save the Test Cases and their respective outcomes in to different collections.
Reshaped the Testing Code Block for Executing the Testcases for Specific Project from Grouping the Endpoints with Product/Project and Save the Test Cases and their respective outcomes in to different collections.

Python-based API testing and automation tool that allows testers and developers to efficiently organize, execute, and manage test cases for multiple projects or products. The project utilizes Django as the web framework and MongoDB as the backend database for seamless data storage, this tool offers a user-friendly interface that enables testers and developers to effectively group API collections by specific products, such as “Lifeeazy” and “IvinPro.” Users can also uploading testcases for each product.The ability to run a single project file, allowing testers to focus on either “Lifeeazy” or “IvinPro” testing. As tests are executed, The tool automates the execution of test cases, captures the data, and stores the results in MongoDB.
- Install Python and MonogoDB on your system.
- Install Playwright:
pip install playwright
playwright install
- Install necessary dependencies:
pip install pytest
pip install requests
pip install pymongo
Setup your project
- Create a new project directory
- Inside the project directory, create a virtual environment (optional but recommended) by running:
python -m venv venv
- Activate the virtual environment:
- On Windows:
- On macOS/Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
- Configure the MongoDB connection settings in the Django settings file.
- Django project with the required components (models, serializers, views, and URLs) to handle API requests.
Excel Test Cases:
- Create an Excel document containing test cases for both the “Lifeeazy” and “Ivinpro” APIs.
- Organize the test cases with details such as API endpoints, request payloads, status, status_code, method, testcase_version, expected responses, etc.
Uploading Test Cases via API:
- Write a view function that reads the test cases from the Excel document for both “Lifeeazy” and “Ivinpro” APIs.
- Create API endpoints to allow users to upload test cases for API collections.
- Use a library like pandas to parse the Excel file and extract the relevant information.
- Accept test case data in a standardized format, including API endpoints, request payloads, and expected responses, status, status_code, version, etc.
- To run the command in the Terminal:
python manage.py runserver
Saving Test Cases to MongoDB:
- In the views function, process the uploaded test cases and save them to separate MongoDB collections for each product.
- For example, save the Lifeeazy test cases to the “lifeeazy_test_cases” collection and the IvinPro test cases to the “ivinpro_test_cases” collection.
Define Custom Markers:
- In the conftest.py file, define the custom markers using the pytest_configure hook. This hook is automatically called by pytest during configuration.
- Custom markers help you categorize the test cases based on different criteria, in this case, based on the product being tested.
- In this case, we will define markers for Lifeeazy_test and IvinPro_test.
- For Example:
import pytest
def pytest_configure(config):
config.addinivalue_line("markers", "IvinPro_test: Marker for test cases related to Lifeeazy product.")
config.addinivalue_line("markers", "Lifeeazy_test: Marker for test cases related to Ivin_Pro product.")
Writing Playwright Test Cases:
- Once the data is saved in MongoDB, you might perform API testing.
- Utilize Playwright to write test cases for each product’s(e.g., Lifeeazy and IvinPro), and write individual test functions and use the appropriate custom marker to tag each test function with the corresponding product.
- Inside each test function, use Playwright APIs to send requests (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to the API endpoints and capture the responses.
- Implement assertions to validate the responses and perform checks to ensure the API behaves as expected.
Fixture Setup:
- After writing the test cases and define a fixture in conftest.py to set up the Playwright instance.
- Define a fixture in conftest.py to set up the Playwright instance and the page instance to be used in each test function.
- Fixtures are functions that provide reusable setup and teardown logic for your tests.
- In this case, the playwright fixture sets up the Playwright instance, and the page fixture creates a new page for each test function.
- For Example:
import pytest
from playwright.sync_api import APIRequestContext, Playwright
from typing import Generator
def test_lifeeazyget(api_lifeeazy: APIRequestContext) -> None:
if method == 'GET' and Test == 'Allergies Get':
get_todo = api_lifeeazy.get(url=str("Your-url"), headers="Your-Token")
assert get_todo.ok
Test Case Execution:
- After setting up the test cases, you can run only one product(Lifeeazy or IvinPro) following the command:
pytest --template=html1/index.html --report=report.html -k Lifeeazy_test
pytest --template=html1/index.html --report=report.html -k IvinPro_test
- Execute the test cases for both “Lifeeazy” and “Ivinpro” APIs.
- To run this script, need to be in directory and run the following command :
pytest --template=html1/index.html --report=report.html
Saving Test Results to MongoDB:
- After executing the test cases, save the test results and captured data to separate MongoDB collections for each product.
- For instance, store the Lifeeazy test results in the “Lifeeazy_test_results” collection and the IvinPro test results in the “IvinPro_test_results” collection.